The EcoMotive

EcoMotive Ltd. was founded in 2005 as an enterprise of young experts of agriculture and food industry. The company started it’s operation as a consultancy partner specialized in the economical, financial and trading affairs of the agrifood sector. From the beginning of 2006 the activities of the company were completed with domestic and international trade. Our products are mainly used as important raw materials in paste production and in the bakery industry, but with the results of our intensive product development activity we would like to offer newer solutions and better products to our partners, not only in the mentioned sectors but also in other territories of food industry.

The aim of our company is to become one of the leading players in the market of different dried egg products, meanwhile we would like to serve our present and future partners with the highest quality products.

The activities of the company

Until the end of 2006 the activities shifted into the direction of various egg products. As a result of this specialization, from the 1st of January 2007 EcoMotive Ltd. runs an own egg processing and spray dryer factory at Bábolna, in the Western part of Hungary. Since than EcoMotive Ltd. latched on to the production activity, and today mostly operates with its own products on the market.

To utilize the technological opportunities of the egg processing and spray dryer factory at Bábolna, the company started the licencing procedure for numerous different products. Today the processing plant has production licences not only for different egg powder and liquid egg products, but also for milk powder and various whey powder products.

Our partners are companies from the food sector who buy only high quality products as raw materials from trustworthy suppliers and take distinctive attention on the quality of their products.

  • Hitvallásunk

    "Jót, s jól. Ebben áll a nagy titok" - Kazinczy Ferenc

  • Vevőnk szerint

    "Az EcoMotive egy jó csapat, a termékei kiválóak. A legjobb választás, csak ajánlani tudom mindenkinek"

  • Minőségi alapanyagok

    Válogatott összetevőkből, kiváló termékek

  • Alapértékeink

    Innováció, lendület, hagyomány


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