
EcoMotive Ltd. pays outstanding attention to the quality of its products so we do our activities to meet the hardest food safety and hygiene regulations, from the arrival of the raw materials, trough the production process until serving our customers.

We run HACCP and ISO 9001:2001 and 14001:2005 quality standard systems for all of our activities, which ensures that our products always fit the highest food hygienic and traceability expectations.

Our factory regularly audited by domestic and international food safety and veterinary authorities. The recommendations made during these controls are executed in the shortest time possible since the most important and challenging task is to be up-to-date in product quality and reliability. We think that these are the basic and inevitable steps to serve our partners at the highest level.

Our products are sold to our partners only with laboratory reports made by an independent, accredited laboratory. The executed microbiological, physicochemical and other laboratory tests certify that our products fulfil the hardest requirements of food safety and hygiene regulations.
Within the frameworks of our online service retained to our costumers the laboratory reports of our products are always available on our website. With the help of this service our customers can find the microbiological and other parameters of the products they bought any time.

  • Hitvallásunk

    "Jót, s jól. Ebben áll a nagy titok" - Kazinczy Ferenc

  • Vevőnk szerint

    "Az EcoMotive egy jó csapat, a termékei kiválóak. A legjobb választás, csak ajánlani tudom mindenkinek"

  • Minőségi alapanyagok

    Válogatott összetevőkből, kiváló termékek

  • Alapértékeink

    Innováció, lendület, hagyomány


*- kötelező kitölteni